Friday, December 21, 2012

Vita Ignes : Corpus Lignum - Final Winter Solstice Compilation 2012

were it not for thee friendships shared throughout thee projekt ov these writings and communications ov Vita Ignes : Corpus Lignum- things would have come to a halt long ago.. thee unbelievable amount ov support for a projekt focused on sharing obscure esoteric elektronikx has been staggering to this inept author..  as these words are being scribed thee sun illumines before it's disappearance into it's longest and darkest night; before it shall re-emerge to bring forth light and warmth once more to these dark & cold times..

 unbeknownst to most- this projekt began as an exercise at having writings to share with friends stolen away from life who had offered kindnesses and inspirations unspeakable.. with thee return ov some ov these same friends [whilst still awaiting thee release ov another] - other projekts feel to be more imminently ov importance.. following this Final Solstice Compilation this projekt shall share ten concluding articles for this year- bringing things to a total ov 200 articles posted.. Future efforts will see Vita Ignes pursuing energies towards physical releases in both audio as well textual formats in thee days ahead!!  you assuredly have not heard thee last from us!!

with this concluding introduction aside- it is with great honor that we are able to share this Final Solstice compilation with those ov you whose paths have followed you towards these illuminations from whence thee veil tis thin!! tremendous thankx goes to Kelly Porter whose incredible artwork is shared as thee cover to this final compilation!! when this projekt was abandoned by another; he graciously offered his masterful hands at creating this painting as a gift ov friendship to adorn as thee frontispiece for these sonorous offerings!!

01 - Port of the Sun & Cohosh - Sungazers

thee Cascadian bard & musician Ocean tis beknown to many for his incredible writings published in the book ov poems Black Hills Cabal as well as for numerous articles for various publications- including his reviews for this blog!! an engrossing epic novel consisting ov copious pages tis in thee processes ov editing which shall be birthed unto thee world in months ahead!! thee collaborations ov his projekt Port of the Sun with Cohosh saw thee release ov an album earlier this year under thee title ov Sungazers!! thee piece offered here may be considered as an out-take ov sorts from these sessions!!

02 - The Joy of Nature - Silent Night

The Joy Of Nature tis thee projekt ov Luís Couto [Teatro Grotesco!!] who hails from the island ov Azores, Portugal!! thee piece which he offers here tis a Mithraic rendition ov thee traditional holy-daze carol: Silent Night!!

03 - Escrementi Alieni - Sick-ness(out of body remix)

E.A. ghost collective tis thee projekt of London-based artist Raffaelle Gallucci who has worked amongst copious other collaborators throughout a period over 20 years ov acitivities- producing an incredible amount ov releases- many ov which have been featured throughout thee duration ov this blogs existence..

"recorded in north London on the end of October 2012-
personell :
 NKA=bass guitar,recording,equipment ,mixing,suggestions and loops.
 RAFF=noises,vocals,ideas,creation,manipulations,loops,guitar,effects and graphix

E.A. for this project stands for Escrementi Alieni
Escrementi Alieni means Alien Droppings"

04 - Archétypo 120 - Heart and Soul

Archétypo 120 is thee Portuguese based projekt ov António Macedo, Paulo Martins, and Pedro Fonte. Paulo has helped us in thee past with some excellent articles on projekts from way back in thee earlier days ov Portugal's industrial music scene!! the piece which they offer here is a live cover version of Joy Division's "Heart And Soul".

05 - VEIL - The Lepers Wife

thee incredible Oakland, CA based ritual ambient projekt VEIL consists ov members of SERE and Premortum Rigormortis who have been collaborating extensively with thee astonishing visual artist C3 who has received a great amount ov renown for his highly thought-provoking installations, drawings, paintings, and mixed media assemblages. we are honored to have their contribution & hope to be cognizant ov their continued activities!!

06 - War on Earth's Surface - The Footprints and Their Maker

"War on Earth's Surface is an ongoing series, which has thus far consisted of In Void of Reverence, Timothy Ende, The Sphere and the Other. “€The Footprints and Their Maker”€ is based on a story that was written independently by Scott Schroder (Spring Speaks Truth, Do Not Seek the Light), which he then adapted to the world in which the series takes place. War on Earth's Surface will continue as a sequence of radio dramas like the one that this track is excerpted from. “€The Footprints and Their Maker”€ describes the experience of a man who lives in a society where entering the forest is forbidden who decides, nonetheless, to do precisely that. Text and narration by Scott Schroder, soundscape, the source sounds of which are exclusively from nature, created by one of the same forces behind the rest of the War on Earth's Surface materials."   

more ov these radio-plays shall likely be announced in days ahead via Vita Ignes : Corpus Lignum as they are shared with us!!

07 - mtxy - mtxy 1
for her incredible self-built modular synthesizer composition mtxy aka: Oryx offered these words to accompany her contribution for this compilation:

"The function of sensory/information technology is to extend the senses and to create new ones.  These machines become an extension of the body.  To make a machine with the body in order to add to the body is a kind of meta-cyborgism, self-construction, self extension.  The body is acting for and through itself.  The synthesizer allows one to bring natural forces into the relatively limited realm of the audible spectrum.  The synthesizer’s power is to take the movement of electrons / the distribution of energy potentials in a physical system and bring it into a realm which we can perceive with our given senses.  As a builder I take that action of assembling and organizing materials around me and through me so that the perceptive power of my body might be deepened. 

I alter my body with hormones in order to enter a state of transformation; I set the dialectic motion into action, the process set into action by a desire that will not be fulfilled, that is to have a certain different body such that I was born into that body, to reinscribe my history; but this cannot be, so I enter into the dialectic interim, the mataxy; I am but also I am not; I am she but also I am not she. 

“We align ourselves with the chaos and blackness from which nature itself spills forth.”

To build a chaotic machine is to align myself with that blackness, that anarchic womb, I am it yet also I am not it, I am separate from it.  

The fractal blurs boundaries.  We find that the line separating You and I is infinitely complex. 

My monstrous self seeks to assemble monstrousness.  A self-creating self-reflecting monster.  I am created out of a desire and I create out of a desire.  This desire others me.  It is a never-ending othering.  But the body that is unnatural cannot be unnatural.  A form can only ever rise from the same infinite matrix of possibilities.  A form can only ever develop from the same set of universal laws." 

08 - Lunus - Hauntology

Devis DeViLs G. [Teatro Satanico / Abra Had Abra / S. Biasin Trio/ Necrophonie!!] has been an unrelenting presence in thee Italian occult post-industrial scene for many years now, and continues to offer forth exceedingly superb esoterik elektronikx from this aged projekt ov his which has resumed it's activities once more!!

it is a word suggested by French philosopher Jacques Derrida combining together the words "haunted" and "ontology"
so this word can be understood as refering to "the philosophical research about the beings of ghosts"

inside the track you can find also a track I field-recorded inside the Svevian castle of Trani, that, according to tradition, it is said to be haunted."

09 - Nommo Ogo - Flies

esoterik glitch legends hailing from Oakland, CA- yet  birthed formerly in Alaskan cold: Nommo Ogo continue to entrance thee tentacled mutant teknoid archetype ov an ancient Dogon mythos disembodied through ritual elektroniks ov an exceedingly magnificent caliber!! their most recent release Endless Dream has finely been offered in a stunningly packaged vinyl edition from Record Label Records!!  thee track offered here is a stereo mix derived from quadraphonic source materials dating back to 2009!!

10 - United Gods - Two entrances and a void /Live at R33, 2012

an astonishing trance-inducing piece ov elektronikx tis offered to us by thee Budapest, Hungary based industrial projekt United Gods  which was founded in thee early 90's by artist Peter Kecskés whose accompanying image is titled Totalis Soli Defectio No. 39.!!

11 - DBPIT & XXENA - Baci Rubati-live @ bigbang

thee incredible Italian sound and visual artists D.B.P.I.T. / Der Bekannte Post Industrielle Trompeter [Flavio Rivabella] & XXENA offer us a great collaborative piece ov their alien elektronikx with assistance from special guest f.o.b. on the guitar - live recording 1.12.12!!

12 - ANTIchildLEAGUE - Spiritual Warfare

ANTIchildLEAGUE tis thee projekt ov London based elektronikx artist and post-industrial promoter Gaya Donadio who offers us this scathing unreleased ritual ambient noise track!! it is an honor to be able to share her contribution!!

13 - Lacedon - Intracranial Stasis

Lacedon unleashes vicious aquatically ghoulish death-trance from beneath thee murky abysmal depths!!

14 - Vilfos - Atomic Winter

thee pieces from Vilfos still continue to emerge from a bleak past with cold sonorous visions evoking a nightmarish nuclear future!!

15 - Sinyoo - Akhilandeshvari- Offerings of the Broken Pt. I

taken from thee album Akhilandeshvari​:​: Offerings of the Broken is this entrancing industrial metal composition from Cascadian artist Si Matta [+ H A V E N +] who has long offered his greatly appreciated friendship!!

16 - AC Way - OE22EO

Andrew Christian Way has been active in many projekts including: Maleficia, Carrion, Riqis, & Sutekh Hexen.. this stunning elektronikx composition ov his tis tremendously appreciated!!

17 - Poison Ring - Swallow by the Light of the Moon

Poison Ring offers ritual sonorism ov an intensely rare type in which attention to thee minutiae ov repetitive moments is suspended through durations in which magnetic decay conjoins with thee degradation ov vinyls to form a suprasensorial awareness ov thee presences ov thee ethereal..

"recorded for Summer Solstice 2006. Destroyed under a waning moon on the Eve of the Solstice, the vinyl pieces of which have carried on through the seasons. Presented at long last under a waxing moon this Winter Solstice 2012."

18 - Cult of Zir - impolite ice tulpa - 12132012

"Cult of Zir is the reverend doktor zirroneous is also dj princess starbright crystal initiatrix is furthermore nolon ashley." we are honored to receive thee doktor's prescriptions ov audio delerium!!

19 - Paints of Anima - Watchers

it tis hard to continuously follow thee many-faceted projekts ov Pearson Wallace-Hoyt who is an organizer ov thee annual Seattle Occultural Music Festival, and tis behind thee projekts: Paintings for Animals, HOM, and is half ov Thee Source ov Fawnation!! here tis yet another face to his creative opus in thee guise ov thee cosmic esoterik elektroniks ov Paints of Anima!!

20 - PolaR - Gods High Hat

having consisted ov artists Barrett Clark (R.M.S. / Nuit Hadit / A.:S.:  & Garret LaFever: PolaR is part of Media Mind Structure.. thee date ov this great glitch worshipping tekno piece lays back near a dozen years ago around 2001!!

21 - Identity Theft - Melissa

Djynnxx- your it!! Identity Theft fukking rips to shreds any trace ov thee footprint schematics ov dancefloors with edgy elektro for erasing these personas ov end-times entropy!!

22 - Thee Source Ov Fawnation - Wind

Paer Svn [Paints of Anima ^] & Bryxan [Uwe 600] continue to effing usher forth primordially mutative tekno evolutions grasping upon kinetic space with quantized glitching flourishes and arpeggiations which apprehend thee abilities to comprehend thee physicality ov ecstatic orgiastic dance undulations!! translation: sick new mix ov Wind!! 

23 - Crown of Cerberus - Baptized In Her Voice

Crown of Cerberus tis thee werk ov miraculous magnetic minutiae maestro Mackenzie Chami [Crown Tapes!!] which pays reverence to thee human/divine influence ov thee feminine strength through cassette releases which are impressive tokens ov appreciation for her influence!!


01 - Sacrificial Totem - Alamut

this Sacrficial Totem video is for documentation purposes only. Footage was shot on super 8 film 2003. Used for a cycle of ritual performances to accompany the Alamut album. Audio recorded live in Ashland, OR 2003. released for Vita Ignes : Corpus Lignum Final Winter Solstice Compilation December 21, 2012. Look for physical editions ov unreleased materials forth-coming from Katabatik & Vita Ignes : Corpus Lignum in 2013!!

02 - DBPIT & XXENA - Baci Rubati-live @ bigbang

an intriguing video work to accompany thee great live elektronikx composition they so kindly bestow unto us!!

03 - Sinyoo - Origins

thee procreation ov wickedly powerfull Cascadian ambiance!!

04 - Various Artists remixed by Psychotigen - Death Trance Mix

spoken ov here in thee past- thee series ov Death-Trance compilations tis awaiting it's animal remixes release!! yet- whilst we wait-  Psychotigen allows us to partake once more more ov thee mummified mixings ov world-muzique remixes en death-trançaise!!

Track listing:

Vita Ignes - Corpus Lignum - Final Winter Solstice Compilation 2012 - Disk I

01 - Port of the Sun & Cohosh - Sungazers
02 - The Joy of Nature - Silent Night
03 - Escrementi Alieni - Sick-ness(out of body remix)
04 - Archétypo 120 - Heart and Soul
05 - VEIL - The Lepers Wife
06 - War on Earth's Surface - The Footprints and Their Maker
07 - mtxy - mtxy 1
08 - Lunus - Hauntology
09 - Nommo Ogo - Flies

Vita Ignes - Corpus Lignum - Final Winter Solstice Compilation 2012 - Disk II

10 - United Gods - Two entrances and a void /Live at R33, 2012
11 - DBPIT & XXENA - Baci Rubati-live @ bigbang
12 - ANTIchildLEAGUE - Spiritual Warfare
13 - Lacedon - Intracranial Stasis
14 - Vilfos - Atomic Winter
15 - Sinyoo - Akhilandeshvari- Offerings of the Broken Pt. I
16 - AC Way - OE22EO

Vita Ignes - Corpus Lignum - Final Winter Solstice Compilation 2012 - Disk III

17 - Poison Ring - Swallow by the Light of the Moon
18 - Cult of Zir - impolite ice tulpa - 12132012
19 - Paints of Anima - Watchers
20 - PolaR - Gods High Hat
21 - Identity Theft - Melissa
22 - Thee Source Ov Fawnation - Wind
23 - Crown of Cerberus - Baptized In Her Voice


01 - Sacrificial Totem - Alamut
02 - DBPIT & XXENA - Baci Rubati-live @ bigbang
03 - Sinyoo - Origins
04 - Various Artists remixed by Psychotigen - Death Trance Mix

Thursday, December 6, 2012

K2 - Tekhnodrug - Kinky Music Institute - Japan - 1993

Not actually techno. Tekhno. A drug which techno imbibes to degrade itself into relentless whips of transmutating noise blurbles. Soundtrack to space shuttles stretched along the event horizon of black holes like miniscule fishes lured into immeasurable jaws. Chronos laid on the rack. Machinery poisoned on circuits overrun by charges far vaster than themselves. Anobacterial salutations by fractaloid inhabitants of said edgerealm. Liminal consciousness degradations as they feed off the light reflections on the hulls. Absorbed into their consciousness vacuums, you come to and you can’t tell if you’re inside or outside.

Tekhnodrug: Proceed into irreality with due caution.  

Track listing:  

A1 #2-2; Aural Infektion
A2 #3-1; Drug For Tekhnokrat
B1 #1-1; Tekhnodrug
B2 #2-1; Aural Injektion

(Port of the Sun - from thee honeyed hallucinations ov thee hive)

Cent Ans De Solitude - Les Enfants De L'Oubli - Les Nouvelles Propagandes - France - 1987

Reach past twin shards of glass entombed in twenty-five-year-old blood to retreive this cold, reflective gem encoded on magnetic tape. In it you find that it is not so much that you believe in your own insufficiency and enjoy being reprimanded; it is more that you have acclimated to a procedure of salvation, and so must fall and fall again, for the redemption addict must continually make cause to receive absolution. For to fall is to fly...

Les Enfants De L’Oubli: a filth-smudged window onto the human experience. Utilize at your own risk of pity deluge. Instead of his golden discus Sagan should have sent this out on the Voyager.

Track listing:

A1 Au Creux Du Monde
A2 Le Miroir Des Visages
A3 Eclat De Verre...Eclat De Vie
A4 Regrets De France
B1 Mi-Mort

(Port of the Sun)

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Catharsis Without Release - Andre Breton's Resurrection - Catharsis Release - 1988

Catharsis Without Resurrection: buried surrealist readings unearthed by automata and sounded by parabola encoders. Androids engineering after consciousness programs stuck in preconscious Narcissoid loops lost into their own self-replicating synthesis gouges.

Place this in your walkman and go puruse the hall of mirrors in your prototypical abandoned funhouse. Immediate and total paralysis sets in. Famished and unable to cry, the squelching hisses and squeals of tormented machinery wash over you like a wave of circuitboards. View unblinking the self perishing inside your silver tomb. Melt procedure.

Bon appétit!

“Living and ceasing to live are imaginary solutions. Existence is elsewhere.”

-Andre Breton

Track listing:

a1 - Soluble fish
a2 - Libraire 6
b1 - SEPT. 28, 1966

(Port of the Sun - from thee honeyed hallucinations ov thee hive)

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Rosemary's Baby - Magia Sexualis - 1985

in thee opinion ov this writer; there tis nil chance ov rejection as to how irrefutably obscure and important ov a place that thee document Magia Sexualis embodies as an unholy grail in thee archives ov Italian occult industrial!! long sought after here as thee missing magickal monument ov esoteric elektronikx!! thee fascinating story behind thee Italian TOPY group Rosemary's Baby tis perhaps best told here on thee great Italian blog Pinzillacchere Musicalli as far as documents easily obtainable upon thee web are conscerned; though thee fairly recent book Rumori Sacri tis obtainable elsewhere for readers fluent in Italian..
thee cassette begins with slow repetitive loops ov choral chants/ bells/ and organ progressions amidst murmured vocalisations which suddenly cease and allow soporific swellings ov slowed strings to meander magickally, thee sense ov a mass interrupted by thee utterances ov a newborn's voice manipulated in pitch and speed.. more abrupt juxtapositions ov elemental recordings raining/ thundering with feminine vocalisations laughing or sobbing gaspingly whilst reversed soundscapes and slowed percussions mutedly make their impressions// cut-up inarticulate utterances make scarce presences amidst thee prolonged crying/laughter which suddenly tis replaced with choral loops and yet more pained feminine laughter and sobbing.. choral presences continue to resound, and thee element ov fire makes a conflagratory presence amidst seeming eroticised utternaces with low end presence.. cut to an over-amplified sensation ov silence and reverberating movements with slowed inhalations/exhalations ov breaths.. feedback swells- then tis subsumed in thee odd quietness and strange tinklings ov a chorus ov bell-sounds clanking whilst thee creeping presences ov multiple sound-sources build into climaxes which just as suddenly swell as they dissipate.. more collaging ov agonized vocalisations rends thee sonic tapestry with a complexity ov methodicism which holds attention to thee minutiae ov enveloping soundscapes developing and dissolving.. thee roaring ov lions brings to cessation thee first side ov this magickal document..
thee second side begins with thee recitation ov thee Santa Maria betwixt clergy and disciples which begins to be enveloped in white-static feedback; whilst a delay effect disassociates thee repetitious prayers into an overlayed delerium ov monotonous motion where thee questioning ov meaning becomes neccesary to ascertain autonomous sense amidst an amalgam ov automatonistic acquiescence to authority.. thee droning ov prayers takes upon itself a swarming sense ov insectoid servitude to sacraments ov secularity.. thee delayed repetitive looping and ingestion/regurgitation ov ecclesiastic materials continuously amplifies a startling sense ov unease at thee maddening massified monotousnesses.. relief is found in thee ending ov recitations

tremendous thankx to Ondanera and Fabrizio for sharing this amazing cassette with us, and to thee further unveiling ov obscure materials in these days close at hand!!



did thee magnetically mesmerising manipulations manifested within these cassettes obtained by a minor in Maine amidst piles ov pawned possessions provide impetus for hierophanies ov hidden heresies heard henceforward..? shamefully aside from scant infos obtained inwards ov these two releases; negligibly nada is known for Kwashiorokor aside from that maybe in thee mid-80s members may have maintained addresses in New York and Pennsylvania.. looping sonorisms ov cut-up techniques/ lazy psychedelic guitar meanderings/ and studio-fuckery abound..

Kwashiorkor - Reliving The Past

Kwashiorkor - A Measure Of Time

(crepusculum - from thee honeyed hallucinations ov thee hive)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Jay T. Yamamoto-Lo-Fi(C50-Noise-Taiwan)

Very interesting wall of noise delivered to us from the man who is called the very first noise artist from Hawaii: Jay T. Yamamoto.

On this tape released by the Taiwanese label Noise back in 1995 our Hawaian artist offers us 10 tracks mixed with random noise, field recordings, radio inputs, and more “out of ears” weird electro experiments, all crafted with strange vocals and messages against commercial music and/or anti-art ideas.

This production came out with a nice little booklet including a small but interesting interview with the artist and few cool comics.

Jay was also involved in other musical projects: Valeries`s Cheescake Money and Stuart K.-

He used a mormon tabernacle choir mixed with nasty messages of rape and despair for one track just to offer an example, and the tape keeps going with lots of other shapes of noises/vocals... interesting and provoking this is a must for industrial lovers of the mysterious unknown!

...and yes I did scan the booklet for your “pleasure” reading-

Scary sounds for gloomy meditations??? Maybe! Up to you to try...

Track listing:

A1 A Dirty Fish
A2 Steelworker
A3 Kurt Cobain In Hell Pt. 1
A4 The Happiness Of Things (Nov. 18, 1978)
A5 Stockhaus End
B1 The Doors
B2 Back To The Extinction
B3 Saw A Dog
B4 11-17
B5 Force The Hand Of Fate


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Delta-Sleep-Inducing Peptide

Delta-Sleep-Inducing Peptide were thee incredible German based trance inducing elektronikx projekt ov Siegmar Fricke and Dieter Mauson!! many ov their fantastic cassettes have been featured here previously.. for this Samhain we offer you these three in addition!!

beAst wishes!!

Cataplectic Episodes - Klappstuhl Records - Germany - 1991

A Cataplectic Episodes
B The Extraocular Muscles

Dalstraat - Delta-Sleep-Inducing Peptide Productions - Germany - 1992

A1 Who Am I? / Konkrete Utopie
A2 What Do I See?
A3 Pliable Soul
A4 Looking Down
A5 Cockpit Command
A6 Bird Control (Part 1)
A7 Recherche Nach 2 Menschen
B1 We Don't Care
B2 Obsequies
B3 Restless Sleep
B4 La Mente En Negro 5
B5 Gone
B6 Breathless Hurdler
B7 Grüne Grenze

Apartment 8 - Escape 3 Organisation - Belgium - 1992

Entrance Side

A1 Boulevard De Tristesse
A2 Try To Understand It
A3 Ach Quacki!
A4 Ernährung
A5 Rape In Kuwait
A6 Sie Ist Verrückt
A7 The Jungle Of Life
A8 Postage And Fees
A9 Aridity In An Oasis
A10 Let Me
Backdoor Side
B1 Assembly Line
B2 Wirkungsgrad: Lähmend
B3 Lunik 1
B4 Somatom 1


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

ETAT DES STOCKS-galactic gigolo`-(Red Neon Tapes,Belgium-c60-199x)

Here is another old tape from my collection; Etat Des Stocks is the project of Patrick Parent -the owner and boss of the cassette label Red Neon Tapes which was active in the 90s, and was only trading tape-productions- it released lots of artists in the field of electronic experimental music. It also released the famous compilation tapes called New Hippies. As far as I know Patrick is still active and you will find lots of info on other internet pages if you dare to search...

This tape was crafted with experimental electronics, and somehow a few of the tracks remind me of the early rhythimic noize experiments from the early 90s.

Definitely a good tape for lovers of certain obscure weird electro goings.

Enjoy it.

Track listing:

A1 Overload
A2 No More
A3 Midnight
A4 Roller Skate
A5 Chips
A6 The Forge
A7 Ben Gess
A8 Numbers
A9 Sirens
A10 Streets
A11 Electricity
A12 Down
A13 Cat
B1 Modern Language
B2 Cycles
B3 The Monk
B4 Bass Mania Part 1
B5 Etat Des Stocks
B6 Bass Mania Part 2
B7 Modern Language Instrumental
B8 Modern Language Dub

Monday, October 8, 2012

Nommo Ogo - Endless Dream [Preview]

PRE-EMPTIVE WARNING OV FUTURE COSMIC PERILS: thee unfettering ov tentacles and ecstatic writhing upon mutant dancefloors across thee multiverse shall commence!! doom-raves have already been semi-illumined with negatively transparent lines forming undulating somnolent imageries.. zombient states have been appearing amidst occupants ov abandoned-house parties.. xeno-terrestrial slimewave has immersed those delving unto thee katabatik depths.. news ov Joan Rivers mother-fucking toasting over dis-goat in a delerium induced by Death Trance sauce are lingering about thee ethers.. televisions emit strange transmissions ov bloodied amphibious genitalia cuisine enterprises.. thee musick industry has taken notice!! rumors ov remixes ov thee alien DNA abound.. reports ov alien identity theft are at an uprecedented high.. emissions are arriving from across thee ancient depths ov time and space that thee esoterik elektronikx ov Nommo Ogo have warned us: "there is nothing but this dream"..


Saturday, October 6, 2012

va - Sanctus Defunctis (Maldoror Tapes - Portugal - 1993)

Portugese cassette released 2/22/93 in a limited edition of 70.

Where are we going? North, forever. To a land named Zero, where the Oresteia howl a singular note through the ice wastes like a sonic line stretching to infinity. Aion wresting time from Chronos’ cruel beak. To eat: into; to speak: forth. Schizophrenic self-language the color iceberg blue. Falling through the surface, like a bug forced down through surface tension of water. Cherubs swallowed in volcanic vorticies. Erogenous phantasms. The human beast in a diamond cloak, snug fit of lightning. A painting which is never finished, always changed. An unexpected thirteenth month. A series of leering faces over her true face, hinging so that they peel like the pages of a book.

“...the next time i kill you...i promise the labyrinth made of the single straight line which is invisible and everlasting.” –Borges, History of Eternity.
Track listing:
A1 Corvu Prettu – Sanctus Defunctis
A2 Corvu Prettu – Eco Defunctis
A3 Aphora – Christu
A4 Nigredo – Carmina Defunctorum 01
A5 Sol Niger – Lucce Tenebrae
A6 Luciano Dari – Night Of Djinn
A7 Corvu Prettu – Defunctis
B1 Alio Die – Echoes In The Fire
B2 Runes Order – The Word In Side
B3 David Mellor – Frenzy
B4 Abra Had Abra – Mala Aqua

(review by Port of the Sun / transferred by crepusculum)

VA - Homo Sexpiens Project - 3Rio Tapes - Belgium

     You’ve been awake seventy hours straight blasted on Prolute at a Lynchian orgy in an abandoned mausoleum. Then a pantsless man in a suitcoat whose fabric is printed in dildoes puts on this soundtrack. Crackling spliced porn backing tracks mounted over unnerving loops of splintered blood with the auditory subtlety of a subcutaneous laser.
     Troubled image addicts spraying pearl in sigils over the surface of their television screens; women feeding women peaches and cream inside geometric castles of thermoluminescent fluorite; women bleating under the whip; women transmutating into black swans copulating in pools of ink amongst roiling seas of insects glistening like animate leatherette scraps. Swoon onward into your preferred erotic nightmare, for here shame yields to lust’s overpowering might and all lie supine beneath the banners to new religions of come and sorrow.
     Baptise me in fleshfluid and call me saved.
     At turns hilarious in its contrasting superimpositions and disturbing in its degraded strangeness, turn your tape player into a sex machine and blast this over the moans at your next swinger’s hoedown. Worms writhing in the peaches.

Track listing:

A1 Janice Peshke + Absolute Controlled Clinical Maniacs – Nymph
A2 Solomonoff & Von Hoffmannstahl – Cherry Sized Nipples Are Classic
A3 Experdo Credo Roberto – 20000 Geile Maagden
A4 Rudi Wilderjans + Haters, The – Sexmix + The Whipping
A5 Misz – Don't Do That Doing Doggy
A6 Mask – Decay
A7 Psyclones & Schlafengarten – Tenderloin
A8 Soft Joke – Fast Love
A9 Zanonym – Lilith
A10 Dennis Carlton – Could She Love Me?
A11 Merzbow – Corruption (Exerpt)
A12 De Fabriek + Weltschmerz – Interviews + Nein (Exerpts)
A13 Barry Edgar Pilcher + Weltschmerz – Sexophonesounds
A14 37 Pink – Klub Pussy
A15 Robert English – Bulge
B1 Pan-Pan – Toskan
B2 Unovidual + Absent – My Lesbian Girlfriends
B3 P231 – Sexual Ritual + Inmix Emanuele
B4 Sigmund Und Sein Freund – Eat My Pussy
B5 Pleasure Girls – Dirty Words
B6 Man's Hate – Flash Of Flesh
B7 DDAA – Amour Amour
B8 Het Zweet + Koffie Verkeerd – Dante's Second Circle + Excerpt From Doornroosje Interview
B9 Viscera – Mons Vernis
B10 Merzbow – Corruption (Exerpt)
B11 Red Rat – Untitled Sounds + Inmix
B12 BGF – Untitled Sounds
B13 Weltschmerz + Pleasure Girls + Kibbo Kift + De Fabriek + Barry Edgar Pilcher – Kneel And Kiss + Interviews + Saxsounds

(Port of the Sun - from thee honeyed hallucinations ov thee hive)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Deca tis thee projekt ov Italian sound artist Federico De Caroli- active since at least 1986 he has been creating a rather large opus ov releases in thee realms ov experimental electronic music.. to quote elsewhere: "Deca is the musical "alchemist" (as he is known in Italy) Federico De Caroli. He has gradually moved from the spacey and melodic style reminiscent of Jarre and Tangerine Dream that dominated his early works to a more experimental sound, involving elements of industrial, noise, "musique concrete" and even Dark Ambient."

thee workx on these cassettes are reminiscent to me at times ov some ov thee cinematic scores composed by Gobiln for some ov Dario Argento's films; whilst at others they are more sparse and experimental overall.. none ov these cassettes appear on discogs as ov this writing.. enjoy!!

Instinct - 1989

A - Telex -nocturnal
B - Cold bondage

Premonizione Humana - 1991

1 Anaesthetic Generation
2 The Lab
3 Premonition
4 Eden
5 Eterno Delirio
6 Animal Resurrection
7 Angeli Nel Silenzio

Coma Flowers - 1992

01 - Overture
02 - Chromarain
03 - Suspended Frame
04 - Aqualabia
05 - Silent Fluid
06 - Coma Flowers

(crepusculum - from thee honeyed hallucinations ov thee hive)