after 20 years ov making musick deep beneath thee seismic sensors ov most- Barrett Clark [Polar/RMS] bestows this behemoth c92 with thee hardest dosing ov acid cut with dog knows what stimulants; which induces deliriant ecstatic RPTN to our sensorial circuitry / falling abyss-wardly from thee dance floor to thee trance-floor- A:.S.:. [Barrett Clark & Flora Powell] invoke musick to lay in thee dark! un-balanced sleazy listening; at points akin to a pre-dawn dreamscape ov pre-1984 German electroniks; ala: Schultze/Schnitzler/Baumann-esque proto-industrial!!
MAT 007 - Stellar Angles / VEIL
for this c62 initiative invokations inscribing cosmic geometries ov enigmatic vicissitudes are bestowed by thee personage behind Poison Ring / whilst Amber Amnesia [Premortem Rigormortis/Kanopic Descent] & Elm Outcault [Sere/Shroud]; as VEIL- bequeath inceptive death-trance from depths hidden far beyond fathomable reaches!!
MAT 008 - DiMenTia - The Vivid
for this c62 Sean DiMenTia; who has released previously upon Detroit label: Void Tactical Media- issues forth visceral electro waves which will undulate your tentacles into slitheringly sequenced asymmetries / whist sharing this magnetic medium are The Vivid- projekt ov Emit & Mary [Nezzy Idy] a pair ov bay area bat-wave, bone-vivant, benefactors ov electro bemusement!!
also available:
Port of the Sun & take down UAV - Cynocephali - cdr
Mastered by Ben L. Robertson. Unexpurgated live take down the sun set at Honey from the Dead King, Hall of the Woods, 6.26.09. Dionysian diaspora swept up in sonic rebaptizations in this anthem to vibrational chaosemiotics. Unmapped intestinal labyrinths of the dark interior of the body. Monsters enthroned. Ejacula extinguishing flames. A synaesthesic squall of peripheral canids snarling at epileptoid cartographers. Artaud sailing for Acheron on a raft made of laughter. Civilization perforated with maggot holes. Wet nightmares.
unvaulted final 13 copies come with take down the sun badge.