"We are only alive because we cannot afford our shrouds" - Sadegh Hedayat
in order to expedite our misapprehensionz ov thee looming cessationz ov our cognizancez- thee questionably un-identifiable personage[z?] hiding behind thee scenez ov Sigil Media have presented for our listening bemusementz two editionz in thee mortification ov our fading sonorous intake capabilitiez!! so drop some hyosciamine [at your own riskz!!]] in order to stiflingly paralyze your own death-rattlingz- whilst you focus on thee drawing away ov circulation from your extremities towards thee protection ov your vital organs, and ease your fading consciencez into thee impossible!! no petit mort here- these enigmatic personages unleash auditory bereavementz mourning our inevitable demisez & then they do world-muzique remixes en death-trançaise!! R.I.P.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thee intention ov this blog is to share rare occult elektronikx which may be hard to obtain.. if you are an artist who is not happy with your material being shared on this blog: please leave a comment, and your wishes shall be respected here.. also a request to other blogs out there: we expend some ammount of energy with thee transfers ov thee material we are sharing here; pleaze if you feel thee need to re-post posts from this blog: then have thee courtesy to cite where they came from.. am saying this as a person who is thankfull personally for the material shared here, and wishing to have the continued collaboration ov other writers & artists who are contributing to this blog.. hope to be able to continue to share more occult sonorism in thee days ahead..
as always please support these underground artists who produce such brilliant workx!!
also please report broken linkx in thee comments sektions and we will be sure to expediently amend them!!
be(a)st wishes!!
want list:
A.C.T.U.S. - Presence Of Mind - VHS [novum organum]
Bardo Thodol - Dead In Lithang [kangyur recordings]
Bestattungstitut [any recordings]
Body Without Organs - Black Sun (the live recordings of Body Without Organs) [audiofile tapes]
Exotoendo - Transept [harmonie]
Fetus Furs [any recordings..]
Hex Minora - An Acceptable Level Of Violence [jm-tapes]
Hospital Psiquiatrico [any recordings]
L.S.D. (Gianfranco Santoro) [any releases]
Marco Farina - Xex-O Plastiquo - VHS
M. Nomized & Devis G. - The Hands [fraction studio]
Morbus - Morbus Horrendous [maldoror tapes]
Nigredo [all recordings]
Ronan Le Deroff [all recordings]
Rosemary's Baby [all releases]
Rosengracht [all releases]
Schaum Der Tage [all releases]
Siegmar Fricke [any recordings]
Stato Terminale [any recordings]
Stefano Biasin & Alain Basso - Par Couer [dedali opera]
T.A.C. - Senza Titolo [anschlag prod.]
Tem Oph Ab - Cristallino All'infinito [rarefazioni uterine]
Tem Oph Ab / No - split [rarefazioni uterine]
Tem Oph Ab / The End - split [rarefazioni uterine]
Thee Temple Ov Psychick Youth [all recordings]
The Dead - The Dead [ionisation tapes]
Therabqud Leic [any recordings]
Yarin Son Gundur - Demain Est Le Dernier Jour [kangyur recordings]
va - A/aND: A Cross-Cultural Collaboration Between A/a & AND Magazines
va - Aera Obscuru [maldoror tapes]
va - Defaecatio - [biotope art organisation]
va - Fratricide [get a job records]
va - Hear The Roar Of Mountains - Volumes I & II [audiofile tapes]
va - any ov thee releases in thee series: New Aeon Symbols [abyss records]
V.A. - Studio 89, Porno-Mix 04/86
*V.A. - Studio 89, Porno-Mix 04/86*
*Sexanu Cassette 108*
Ein weiteres Mix-Tape aus dem Scheissladen, hier auf Sexanu Cassette
A Seite
tac - Next
*A comment hit out of the blue but at an opportune time. If you missed this
majestic collection first time around, you are forgiven.*
Maybe you haven't...
1-no human form
2-electric bleeding
3-rite of passage
4-state of affairs
5-midnight sun
6-down the corridor
7-lunar fleshpod
8-voices within
Alessandra Zerbinati - Intervista.
*1) Pensi che qualcosa si stia muovendo nel triste panorama Italico? Ci
sono che tu sappia altre donne impegnate come te?*
Non si sta muovendo un cazzo! ...
Just a small update to let everyone know that some major vinyl rarities
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Resep Udang Vs Terong Saus Asam Manis
Resep Udang Vs Terong Saus Asam Manis -
- 28 Suka
- 1 Recook Lagi ngidam udang..kepikiran mo jadi apa..prok..prok..taraaa....
Yessi Yolanda
Cribreath - Live Frying Demo
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New direction to RITUALISTIC NATURE !
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(or c...
V.I.T.R.I.O.L. #2
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LOAD Discography
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would take this horrible occasion to light a fire under my ass to get you
the ...
☼ Haare – Rautapilvi LP [single-sided]
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LITHA (21 June 2012)
The musick dedicated to this Sabbat is:
Original Issue: 2000 Durtro (DURTRO 050CD)
Ukrainian Music
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