This astounding compilation ov Italian experimental sound artists was compiled in thee late 80s and released in 1990 on thee brilliant label Biotope Art Organisation run by Lanzilli Guglielmo!! thee cassette came in a uniquely texturized case with excellent photocopied artworks for each ov thee groups which were packaged inside ov a wax paper envelope.. this tis listed on
discogs with thee name Giocco Crudele, but tis very evidently labeled otherwise for this version.. due to thee size ov thee files this was broken into two parts
here and
Majorana [Lussetti Guido] provides a cacophany ov wierd synthesizer experimentation with a fairly lo-fidelity approach..
Nightmare Lodge tis the projekt ov Ivan Iusco, and also at times featured thee collaborations ov G. Mantelli, B. Mazzilli, and Russolo.. thee piece contributed here tis repetitious pulsating elektronics with various repeating sound collaged loops..
T.Q.T.R. are thee initials for Tam Quam Tabula Rasa thee amazing ritual projekt ov Luca Ferrarini who also had thee participation ov collaborators: Marco Berisso, Paolo Gentiluomo, and Roberto Soprani at various times.. thee piece provided here tis trancing sequencing with unique subtle sounds penetrating gently into thee atmosphere created.. thee piece ends with beautifull vibraphone-type melodies..
Lyke Wake [Stefano Di Serio] provides thee live piece The Power Of The Dream which begins with excellent minimal industrial sequencing and transitions to spacey analog synthesizer atmospherics to be met again with shimmering high-hat sequencer pulses before fading away..
Womb tis an early projekt ov DeviLs G. [listed here as Devio] thee genius behind thee projekts: Teatro Satanico, Lvnvs, S. Biasin Trio, and numerous others.. thee piece provided here tis great lo-fi trancing elektronikx and ritual sound collage!!
Ezzer/Gella [Mondelli Lorenzo] provide an awesome squall ov feedback which tis met with a plodding bass line, effected vocals,and even a little synthesizer work later in thee piece for thee track titled: The Inside Soul's Suicide!!
Therabaqud Leic tis thee projekt ov Gianluigi Russolo; who has also been a part ov thee projekts S. Biasin Trio and Subliminale!! thee piece here tis a collage ov samples ov slowed groans and minimal drum sequencing which has a feeling for me almost akin to Scorn!!
Giardini di Marzo [Walter Guarini] provides trancing repetitious loops for a fairly interesting sounding piece titled: Tema..
Solar Lodge [Fulvio Biondo & Enrico Angarano] provide a piece ov melodic vibraphone-sounding sequencer progression accompanied by sparse bass notes and ethereal synthesizer lines!!
Son [contact info listed as Felici Giampaolo] offers a dirgey piece ov guitar, bass, and drums with drear vocals.. tis a fairly nice piece ov unknown [to me] sludgy rock
Circus Joy tis a non-musical group founded by Corrado Mancini in 1984.. various collaborators for thee projekt have included: Chris Blazen, Mario F.O.B., Vinkio, and ClauDEDI.. thee live piece presented here tis a kind ov tribal pounding ov guitars and drums with more drear vocals!! later in thee piece comes some gratuitous guitar wanking and shrill vocalisations; only to return to thee earlier pounding refrain, and met again with more dissonant guitar work to end thee first side ov thee cassette..
Capricorni Pneumatici [Pazuzu & Soda Caustica] were active from 1987-1991.. Their name comes from Aleister Crowley's book "Liber A'ASH vel Capricorni Pneumatici SUB FIGURA CCCLXX".. they provide here an interesting piece with haunting feminine vocalisations, dissonant elektronik manipulation, and what sounds like sitar and sparse cymbal work which has a somber and ethereal feeling about it..
Stato Terminale [Toregiani Paolo] offer here a brilliant piece ov droning synth work with slow ritualised percussion, and scary sounding guttural incantations!! know that this may seem out ov place to say here, but this reminds me ov the great piece "Leech. Give Me Your Pretty Face" by thee NY doom projekt Cattlepress!!!
CCC CNC NCN are an anonymous noise/performance anarcho-collective from Torino who offer here a great track which begins with elektronik atmosphere which fastly dissipates, and tis taken over with slow ritual percussion, quiet sparse pizzicato and bowed violin, and what sounds like thee clinking and shimmering ov crystal!!
Terapia Dura [contact info listed as Toni D'Argulia] provide what sounds like an improv piece ov guitar, bass, and junk percussions.. tis somewhat reminiscent ov a more primitive sounding Sonic Youth at times..
Ultima Rota Carri tis another variation ov thee Luca Ferrarini projekt Tam Quam Tabula Rasa which were already spoken ov earlier in this article.. here they provide great tribal percussive work amidst beatific shimmering ambiance and thee sounds ov birds!!
Torngod tis presented only with a postal address here, and provide brilliant atmospheric elektronikx with restrained orchestral accents and unique minimal analog sequencing!!
[[note: at 4:35 thee Torngod track transitions to thee track from thee projekt Nome..]]
Nome [Gian Maria Misseri (chitarra, piano, fisarmonica), Enrico Artale (chitarra, banjio, testiere), Giacomo Guarnieri (filicorno tenori e contralto), Umberto Bartolini (batteria, percussioni), Piero Galli (basso), Roberto Sedoni (trombone), con la partecipazione di: Anna Di Gennaro (voce lirica), and Susanna Crociani (sax soprano e contralto)..] this astonishing ensemble present a very progressive piece with beauteous operatic vocals!!!
Plurale Majestatis [Chiavelli Maurizio and Valerio Adamo] great experimental elektronik soundscapes presented here!!
Subliminale [Gianluigi Russolo] thee info says "SubLiminal Music For SubLiminal People / Tempio della Loggia SUBLIMINALE d'Occidente" and features some masonic symbolism.. thee track begins with wierd didgeridoo and transitions to ritual percussion, and strange sound collaging ov indecipherable speed/pitch accelerated vocalsations, reversed rhythmic sounds, shimering bells, and great atmospheric ambiance!! at a certain point eruptions ov looping hard rock make a presence before being subsumed in thee earlier atmospheres only to slightly reappear and dissipate once more..
Eiaculazione Amusicale [E.A. ghost collective] have been covered extensively in this blog, and provide here a short but great sound-collage piece with warbling atmospheric elektronikx, shimmering cascades ov bells, and with what sounds to be brief canine vocalisations!!
Contropotere were a great anarcho-punk projekt from Naples who provide here a very experimental piece with ritual percussions, effected operatic feminine vocalisations, and sparse atmospheric elektronikx!! at times there are powerfull eruptions ov more abrasive elektronikx which make only small presences which reverberate in sonic pulses.. have been an incredibly huge fan ov this projekt for some time, and love hearing these very unique workx ov theirs presented here!!!
Track listing:
A1 Majorana - The Wedding
A2 Nightmare Lodge - N.R.III
A3 T.Q.T.R. - Laxamamentum II
A4 Lyke Wake - The Power Of The Dream (Live)
A5 Womb - Hallucination
A6 Ezzer/Gella - The Inside Soul's Suicide
A7 Therabaqud Leic - Pflunger Archè
A8 Giardini di Marzo - Tema
A9 Solar Lodge - Pactra Part I
A10 Son - Slow & Real
A11 Circus Joy - Shout (Live)
B1 Capricorni Pneumatici - The Ceremony
B2 Stato Terminale - Acciaio
B3 CCC CNC NCN - Untitled
B4 Terapia Dura - Popolorum Progressio
B5 Ultima Rota Carri - Strepitum Mortis
B6 Torngod - Lunar Moss Ascending
B7 Nome - Marte Alla Volta
B8 Plurale Majestatis - Ninnao'2
B9 Subliminale - T(ms)=Input
B10 Eiaculazione Amusicale - Esalazione Mistica
B11 Contropotere - Tien'a'ment
(transferred by [[F@R@W@Y]] / review by crepusculum)