Friday, July 10, 2015

сакрального и профанного

MAT 011 - aft3rbirth / an exquisite corpse

two extremely disparate approaches from individuals active in the field ov electronic sound from thee psychic geographic locale ov portland, oregon.. 

every eprom exploited, diodes distressed and dilapidated, circuitry corrosively cursing, bytes bitten until bruzed, accelerationist aktions from AFT3RBIRTH who has been active in underground electronics for over twenty years!!  

from harsh visceral extremities; collapse into cavernous reverberated ambiances ov trance inducing cathartic meditative loops from AN EXQUISITE CORPSE - thee projekt ov Ogo Eion whose impact as curator ov Portland area events Psychopomp and Cacophony have left an indelible impact upon thee imaginal ov PNW esotericists for a decade going strong!! 

MAT 012 - conniptor - sacred zoology

PNW jak-elekroniks maestro CONNIPTOR [Imago Ignota / Lacedon / Kenophilia] issues proper hardware based tekno for thee cryptids and insectoids dwelling above and beneath our world!!