So there tis a slight deviation from thee theme ov this blog thus far here: [by request] this is thee first cd post here.. have never explicitly stated, but the intention ov this blog tis to post rare/out-ov-print occult elektronikx [now cassette or otherwise..] for y'all.. this is thee first release here to breach thee millenial divide.. we will still continue to post older/ rare occult releases here [do not worry!!].. though also in thee future you can expect items actually composed within thee more recent frame ov lived experience which is contemporaneous with our own..
Also if you have contributions that you wish to make to this blog that you feel would help in this mission ov: un-earthing rare occult elektronik sonorism: WE WANT YOUR HELP!! There are many great blogs that help in fulifilling this mission, and we hope that this may be an additional resource ov help in making lived experience more fortuitous for yrselves.. So without any further hesitations:
Here tis thee collaboration between Hex Minora & Devis G. released on Membrum Debile Propaganda in thee year 2000.. As Hex Minora has been covered here in previous posts in this blog; will take a moment to comment on Devis G. [one ov numerous monikers utilised by this astounding proponent ov occult elektronik sonorism!!] A brief list ov some ov this beast's astounding projekts should include: Dev, Lvnvs/Lunus, TV Satanico/ Teatro Satanico Charles Manson, Necrophilia/ Necrophonie, S. Biasin Trio, Demon Womb, The Dead, Wellenwerkmann Neurosonological Research Station, and Abra Had Abra to name a few.. Thee Collaboration between these two was my first exposure to thee works ov Hex Minora, and was thanks to thee great distro ov Patrick [Skin Crime/Self-Abuse Recordings].. Anyone familiar with either ov these artists should know to expect that thee outcome ov their intermingling shall result in wondrous occult elektronik sonorism ov thee highest order!!
Track listing:
1 Ascension
2 Rupture
3 Void
4 Contrition
5 Rend
6 Amatory
7 Dissolution
8 Canker
9 Nadis
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