another great release from thee German Fich-Art label donated to thee blog here from thee collection ov Guglielmo [Biotope Art Organization]!! this compilation was released in thee year 1994, and features some excellent experimental elektronikx and rhythmic noize from thee period!!
Imminent Starvation is thee projekt ov Belgian artist Olivier Moreau [Delta Files, 2 Be Freak, Ambre, Axiome, Collapse, The Incredible Three, Myrza, Rob(u)Nent, Torsion, Tricot Trio, Urawa].. thee track Creep tis an interestingly lingering atmospheric noize piece which makes for a great intro to thee second track: Dust which consists ov restrained industrial sequencing with excellent orchestral sounding synthesizer work, and Olvier's possessed vocals!! Paranoiac Dogs tis thee final piece provided from this projekt here, and consists ov great rhythmic noize with distorted vocals which make a sort ov distant presence in thee mix..
Feine Trinkers Bei Pinkels Daheim tis thee projekt ov German artists: Oswin Czerwinski [Dipl Arch,NID] and Jürgen Eberhard [Dr. Med,NID].. thee track they provide tis an excellent piece ov atmospheric elektronikx which lasts a duration ov roughly ten minutes!!
Y-Ton-G tis thee projekt ov German artist Wolfgang Neven [KYAM, Para-Noise-Terminal] thee piece contributed here: D-Y-NAMIK X consists ov over ten minutes ov minimal experimental rhythms which sounds like processed source ov a microphone being tapped upon.. surprisingly; it creates some fairly interesting dynamics..
Siegmar Fricke tis thee German experimental artist behind such projekts as: Bestattungsinstitut, Pharmakustik, Ambulatorio Segreto, Delta-Sleep-Inducing Peptide, Doppelwirkung, Efficient Refineries, New Tits On The Cock, Nome De Voyage 2!! thee first piece he provides: Conducting Wire (Cyber Edit) consists ov intriguing progressive trance with masculine German vocals, and some ethnic vocal sampling!! thee piece: VCA-Modularis begins with wierd analog synth spacey noizes, and brings in more danceable tekno sequences!!
Morgenstern tis thee projekt ov German artist Andrea Börner-Schramm [Ars Moriendi, KYAM, Monokrom, Templegarden's] thee track she presents: Ung Nicht Alles War Gut! begins with atmospheric noize and thee repetitious sample "we struggle", and after arround two and a half minutes into thee piece brings in excellent restrained industrial sequencing and processing!!
cannot find information for thee projekt Alive But Dying.. thee first track they provide: Not Of My World consists ov slow pulsating synthesizer and sequencing work with semi-angry masculine vocals.. thee second piece similarly consists ov slow industrial sequencing with angsty masculine vocal material which tis a bit more processed for this piece..
Track listing:
A1 Imminent Starvation - Creep
A2 Imminent Starvation - Dust
A3 Imminent Starvation - Paranoiac Dogs
A4 Feine Trinkers Bei Pinkels Daheim - Melomanie (Krankhafter Zwang Zum Singen)
A5 Y-Ton-G - D-Y-NAMIK X
B1 Siegmar Fricke - Conducting Wire (Cyber Edit)
B2 Siegmar Fricke - VCA-Modularis
B3 Morgenstern - Ung Nicht Alles War Gut!
B4 Alive But Dying - Not Of My World
B5 Alive But Dying - Last Generation
(transferred by [[F@R@W@Y]] / review by crepusculum)
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