"The General Purpose Cassette Organization was formed to create an outlet for unheard music and unseen art and literature. We are a no-profit organization existing solely for this purpose." This tape is the 3rd relase from GPC. It contains musical expressions from two bands. One side of this tape contains the current sounds of Factor 42 and the other side provides sonic assault from Teknition. We encourage everyone that hears this tape to contact the individuals involved with this tape. This is a contact tool. If you are involved in any similar activities please feel free to contact GPC. We are always looking for new artists to expose and trade ideas and releases." (from the info sheet coming with his tape)
Factor 42 and Teknition are two separate projects hailing from the States who played ebm and electro- industrial music. This tape came wrapped in a small black plastic bag that was held together with a “kitchen wire metal skin” as well as a plastic bag containing 10 info sheets with info, drawings, song titles etc etc… I scanned all the info sheets and the tape-container itself. The side of Factor 42 is called “original sin” and the side of Teknition is called "machine religion”. Not sure how many copies were printed by GPC back in 1991. As far as I know it hasn`t been reprinted. Enjoy it.
Track listing:
a01-FACTOR 42-kill or be killed
a02-FACTOR 42-shut up!
a03-FACTOR 42-head trip
a04-FACTOR 42-primitive worship
a05-FACTOR 42-nothing last forever
a06-FACTOR 42-hellfish torture
b02-TEKNITION-man is the animal
b05-TEKNITION-strych9 9hypno mix)
b06-TEKNITION-requies(funeral for machines)
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