as our position in thee north approaches thee solar zenith: at this blue ov noon; where our shadows seem to disappear: an offering ov gratitude tis extended to these purveyors ov thee dark arts for thee sonorous gifts which they graciously bestow unto us as offerings whilst thee shadows again begin to grow in thee warmth ov thee solar flames!!
greatest ov thankx to all thee artists who have offered their unreleased [unless noted otherwise..] trackx for this special compilation!! also greatest ov thankx to all who have contributed with and supported this blog thus far to bring us to this 100th post (especially to [=F@R@W@Y=])!! cannot forget to give thee highest ov praise to Ogo Eion for kindly offering his superb talents to thee graphic layout and cover art for thee compilation here!!

Expected Average tis thee projekt ov Raffaelle Galluci (E.A. Ghost Collective) who have been fairly thoroughly documented at points throughout this blog.. thee track offered here tis titled: monsterreich(revisited)!!

Paintings For Animals tis thee projekt ov Pearson Wallace-Hoyt who tis also an organiser for thee annual Seattle Occultural Music Festival thee track which he offers here tis titled: Boundary Water and tis taken from the album Sleep’s Keeper ov thee Sea..

Testing Vault tis thee projekt ov Italian artist dANi/ALvo!! thee track he offers unto us here tis titled: The Edgar Allan Fish Memorial Center - Main Theme (Brief Version).. he asked that we accompany thee track with a manifesto here, and as well that we include thee additional informantion:
The Edgar Allan Fish Memorial Center Is The Other Eye Of Testing Vault.
TV Is Personal Hell, EAFMC Is The Hell Outside.
There's More Noises And Hidden Messages. Maybe. Maybe Not.
But be sure that all my corpses cames all from the same river.
dANi/ALvo, aka ANAL/divo or ALAN/void, known also as A.void, Joo-Joe Alley or DNA-i.
"We Are Coming To Take Your Children. Eat Human Meat Is The Horror, The Salvation."
"g-ODD Ist Mein Only MOD-Herr-Aktor"
Edgar Allan Fish Memorial Center Mottos.

Vivimancer/I.N.R.I. are projekts ov thee Cascadian artist Scott McGahan [Scrolls / The Necro Sluts!!].. thee track he offers tis entitled "Flood4" and tis exclusive to this comp. It was created by playing guitar through a multi-effects pedal that got drowned in the Merkin flood. Then manipulated with computer. thee artwork tis a manipulated photo of a drawing that he did on the inside of the projection booth door at the Bijou. The original is about 3ft square and is in #2 pencil on wooden door with dirty white paintjob. he used gels to make the photo be more sepia toned!!

The Joy Of Nature [previously: The Joy Of Nature And Discipline] tis thee projekt ov Luís Couto who hails from the island ov Azores, Portugal!! thee astounding track which he offers tis titled: Valsa Do Apego!!

Teatro Grotesco tis another amasing projekt from Luís Couto!! thee track offered here tis titled: rise and fall of a theatre!!

Incus tis an olde projekt ov Leland Boozer who also used to do thee projekt Zubrick!! he has been one ov thee most astounding archivists ov esoteric elektronikx i have ever encountered [try searching for: rota 777..] he seems to be absent ov late, and tis very much missed!! this was a track titled: Con part II which he has shared from an olde untitled cassette..

Critical Theatre tis thee projekt ov Maxwell Benedetti & Feral Faerie Samantha from Portland, Oregon who kindly offered us a copy ov their release: Nine Tenths Of The Law a while back!! thee track presented here tis titled: The Only Security (nine wands)!!

Elysium Obscura tis thee projekt ov Cascadian artists Si Matta and Amber Darkwood who have recently released thee album ...:Journey:.. which was released May 18th 2010 to commemorate the 30th anniversary of Loowits eruption.!! si has also been working on thee projekt Gathering The Stories!! both ov these projekts are rooted in his connections to thee lands and peoples ov thee Columbia River Gorge!! thee track offered here tis titled: rains of winter (long take)!!

Djynnx tis a member ov Alaska/ Oakland, CA based projekt Nommo Ogo and as well tis a member ov thee Katabatik Meta-communications Sound-System!! Nommo Ogo was reviewed here a while back for thee recordings "Across Time and Space" CD + "Space Cross" 12" which were released by Record Label Records!! thee track which Djynnx offers here tis titled: space-wind flight!!

Barbarossa Umtrunk tis thee French Military-Ambient projekt ov Baron Von S!! thee track shared here tis an exclusive remixed version ov thee track Fallen Moons from thee incredible "Wehrwolf Dharma" cd released on Russian label Ufa Muzak and features thee German projekt Schattenspiel!!

"Under the Same Shadow is an ongoing collaboration between artists Alexander DeMaria and Owen Rundquist that manifests through sculpture, installation and sound work. Visually the work draws on Pagan, Heathen and early Christian history and ephemera as well as mythology and folklore. The audio elements take root in black metal, doom, and drone, moving between abstraction and representation. "
thee track shared here was previously released as a limited cdr also titled: Under the Same Shadow!!

AC Way tis thee Experimental / Turntablism / Black Metal projekt ov Oakland, CA artist Andrew Christian Way [Maleficia/Carrion] thee track provided here tis titled: eidolon!!

Teatro Satanico tis thee projekt ov thee occult experimental elektronikx artist deviLs g./Devis Granziera [Abra Had Abra, Lvnvs, Necrofilia, Necrophonie, S. Biasin Trio..] who hails from Bassano Del Grappa (Vicenza), Italy!!
here tis thee info which was included with thee track:
"the title of this work is: VENI LUCIFER
the chant says: veni Lucifer et emitte caelitus lucis tuae radium
it's Latin text, and it is an evident détournement of the catholic chant known as "veni sancte spiritus"
I think that the line "send forth from the sky the radiance of your light " fits better to Lucifer, the "Light Bringer", than to a white pigeon ; )
I created this track from just only one audio-file: the recorded voice of kalamun while he was chanting that line.
I just used that audio source for this piece and absolutely no other sound.
beAst regards
deviLs g."

Children Of The Apocalypse/ C.O.T.A tis thee projekt ov Jon Auchterlonie,Salomeh, and guests.. who hail from Sherman Oaks, CA!! they are thee people behind thee Sonick Sorcery label who released thee astonishing "Visions From The Garden" compilation some time back!!
thee track which they have offered tis entitled: In This Night, and was "originally titled The Hunt, and appeared on thee Marches and Meditations cd. This version was recently recorded at Offerings For the Sunrise III, an event in Jawbone Canyon. This is an acoustic interpretation of The Hunt- dedicated this time to British Petroleum..."

mysterious Cascadian artist Sere [Shroud!!] provides thee deeply effecting ritual elektronikx piece titled: unsurfacing!!

similarly enigmatic Cascadian artist Mercury [A Somber Boreal/ Aera Productions!!] provides us with thee amasingingly trance-inducing track entitled : inari!!

due east ov thee Cascades; Hyperborean/Atlantean mythos inspired ambient synth projekt Vilfos provides thee track: decussate aeturnum; which was originally released on his incredibly limited 2005 demo !!

Port Of The Sun tis thee incredible projekt ov "Black Hills Cabal" bard/author/poet Ocean!! thee track provided here tis titled: now let us not breathe, for there is nothing unsacred!!

Nezzy Idy tis thee Psychedelic / Experimental / Electro projekt ov Emit Idy!! thee effing great track provided here tis titled: Nighttown!!

Nature Morte are an astounding atmosperic elektronikx projekt who hail from Roazhon,France!! thee track which tis based upon thee "madness that excessive heat can create" tis titled: Last Summer!!

LIMBO tis thee legendary esoteric body music projekt ov Gianluca Becuzzi (GLB) and Diego "Loop" Loporcaro (DL)!! thee track which they provide here tis an unreleased version of their 1989 classic "Les 120 Journees" titled: Les 120 Journées (GLB Extended Remix 2010)

A Minority Of One tis thee projekt ov Jason Hovatter Craban [Portland, OR] who prvides thee song titled: Sky Father!!
instrumentation for this recording includes: various traditional handmade drums, marching snare, bulls horn, glass, digital delay, compressor, and voice.
"fathers sang
feeding our home soil
for us and those who come
He rides the mornings sky
on the wings of geese"

At The Head Of The Woods tis thee beauteous Visual / Psychedelic / Healing & EasyListening project ov James Woodhead [The Elemental Chrysalis/ Blood Of The Black Owl/ A Minority Of One] who provides here thee track titled: Sunshine which was composed using: farfisa compact combo, crumar toccata, and crumar performer!!

She wrote:
"my name can't be on this track.
a blob about the artist can be made up if you like..
something can be made up..."
thee track she provided tis titled: Ritual

Ben L. Robertson tis a brilliant microtonal composer based out ov Spokane, WA presently; who tis involved with thee label Aphonia Recordings!! thee track provided here tis a collaboration with saxophonist Natalya Lainhart titled: frooties

A.:S.:. [accenting shadows]tis thee San Francisco, CA based death trance projekt comprised ov members ov thee Minimalist / Experimental / Industrial projekt Repetitive Motion Syndrome and DJ / producer: .pink.noise.!! thee amasing track they present tis based on processing an obscure ceremonial tape of a tarahumanra ritual which was obtained at a mission on a Tarahumara Indian reservation in the mountains of Creel Mexico (it was the only tape there so guess it is pretty limited edition) when thee artists were up there last January.. thee picture tis of the a rock at thee Valle de Monjes (valley of the monks) in thee mountains of thee same reservation!! thee piece tis titled: Quilted Smallpox

VelgeNaturlig tis an excellent projekt ov an artist named Ivo based out ov Portugal.. thee powerful ambient track provided tis titled:OmegaCentauris, and was composed utilising field recordings ov electricity, waters, and some spectral voice!!

Kanopic Descent tis thee Oakland, CA based death trance projekt ov Amber Amnesia [Susperium] and
Sean Dimentia [Dimentia / Pansophia]!! thee track they share was previously released on their cd "Hymn ov Ayin", and tis titled: N'Kai!!

An Exquisite Corpse tis thee experimental sound projekt ov astonishing graphic artist, fashion designer, and promoter ov thee Cacophony and Psychopomp events: Ogo Eion!! Ogo has incredibly kindly provided thee graphic layout and design for this compilation!! thee piece presented tis titled: a circle ov threes, and was recorded at midnight in a single take, based on digitally
processed acoustic zither samples as provided by Eyerish Heather

Japanese dystopic cyber-punk author/ industrial elektronikx artist Kenji Siratori & takedown UAV provide thee track titled: crepusculum matutinum.. this may later be issued as part ov a vinyl release..

Disk I:
01 - expected average - monsterreich(revisited)
02 - Paintings For Animals - Boundary Water
03 - Testing Vault - The Edgar Allan Fish Memorial Center - Main Theme (Brief Version)
04 - Vivimancer - I.N.R.I - flood4
05 - The Joy Of Nature - valsa do apego
06 - Teatro Grotesco - rise and fall of a theatre
07 - Incus - Con part II
08 - Critical Theatre - The Only Security (nine wands)
09 - Elysium Obscura - rains of winter (long take)
10 - Djynnx - space-wind flight
11 - Barbarossa Umtrunk ( feat. Schattenspiel) - Fallen Moons
Disk II:
12 - Under the Same Shadow - Under the Same Shadow
13 - AC Way - eidolon
14 - Teatro Satanico - veniLucifer
15 - Children Of The Apocalypse - In This Night
16 - Sere - unsurfacing
17 - Mercury - inari
18 - Vilfos - decussate aeturnum
Disk III:
19 - Port Of The Sun - now let us not breathe, for there is nothing unsacred
20 - Nezzy Idy - Nighttown
21 - Nature Morte - Last Summer
22 - LIMBO - Les 120 Journées (GLB Extended Remix 2010)
23 - A Minority Of One - skyfather
24 - At The Head Of The Woods - sunshine
25 - She - ritual
26 - Ben L. Robertson & Natalya Lainhart - frooties
Disk IV:
27 - A.:S.:.-Quilted Smallpox
28 - VelgeNaturlig - OmegaCentauris
29 - Kanopic Descent - N'Kai
30 - An Exquisite Corpse - a circle ov threes
31 - Kenji Siratori & takedown UAV - crepusculum matutinum
to make you your own physical releases; thee booklet tis avaiable here!!
[[note: due to thee complaints ov itunes users: have added itunes tagged versions here.. these versions are not in thee formats which they were received by thee artists and may cause some loss in fidelity..]]
may your lived experiences and creative endeavors be fortuitous as thee shadows increase!!
be(a)st wishes!!
Congratulations with your 100th post my friend! you've got a great blog!
ReplyDeleteWhat an awesome compilation! Congratulations on your 100th post and thank you for including us!
ReplyDeleteGreat Work! Your Blog is realy good! Thank you! Greetings
ReplyDeletethis is a wonderful blog, i'm listening to this compilation now, some excellent selections, keep up thee good work :)